Enjoy positive outcomes by tapping into the Universe's creative impulses!

Creativity is not just a skill set but also a state of consciousness from which we conceive and manifest our desires.

The 6 MINDFULNESS HACKS for your CREATIVE GENIUS will help you clarify your intentions, sharpen your attention, dissolve inner saboteurs, boost pleasure and much more! By gaining more clarity and dissolving resistance, focus and desire levels for your projects will dramatically increase.

All perspectives, processes and practices contained in this program were designed to work synergistically with each other as a system. It is neutral to philosophies and traditions, and can enhance whatever system(s) you are currently using for personal and professional growth. 


This two hour program contains over 25 lectures, 6 intentional visualizations and several fully integrated activities. Students will appreciate the instructor's direct and effective style, and the powerful perspectives, processes and practices offered in each hack.

What are the requirements?

There are no pre-requisites for taking this course, just an open mind and willingness to explore new perspectives, processes and practices. It is recommended to keep a notebook handy to write down your insights.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Gain clarity on what you want to create
  • Feel more inspired, engaged and enthusiastic with your projects.
  • Be more intentional and attentive with your daily activities.
  • Experience a greater sense of flow in your life and work.
  • Enjoy the ecstasy of fully expressing your creative impulses.

Immediate access to HACK #1 with purchase. Other hacks will be sent to your inbox every other day, giving you time to reflect and practice. A monthly webcall for group coaching/Q&A is included in your investment, facilitated by Miguel Franco. Hurry, promotional price!

Who is the target audience?

The 6 MINDFULNESS HACKS for your CREATIVE GENIUS is a program designed for leaders, consciouspreneurs, project managers and the creative types who want to expand their creative skills. This program integrates intuition with pragmatism and often leads to personal growth and expansion. This course is probably not for you if you are seeking a more traditional way to develop your creativity.

Companies pay Miguel Franco thousands of dollars for his live playshops. Enjoy the same transformational perspectives, processes and practices for a fraction of the cost. Take advantage of our promotional price and enroll today!

copyright©2016 Miguel Franco-Conscious Path, LLC

all rights reserved
